

The landscape of Newfoundland and Labrador has had a remarkable geological history, formed over many millions of years by continental collision, mountain-building, volcanoes, oceans, rivers and ice sheets.

The Strait of Belle Isle divides the province into its two geographical components, Labrador and the island of Newfoundland, and closely approximates a division of great geological significance. 
Labrador is the easternmost part of the Canadian Shield, a vast area made up mostly of plutonic and metamorphic rocks, some of which are the oldest known on Earth.


Newfoundland fishing grounds of the Atlantic Canada port, is also nearly a hundred years ago, the Titanic hit the iceberg sank.
In there you can see the whale breathe and icebergs


Newfoundland's culture has been the impact of the marine environment.So newfoundland fisheries very developed.
Fisheries is Newfoundland's economic foundation.
In Newfoundland many people speak English, but few people speak French.
The Newfoundlanders been described as the most homogeneous of the Canadian population of European descent.This is the lower level of the results of a European and later emigrated to the rest of Canada compared.

The Newfoundland Aboriginal population can be divided into three or four ethnic categories.

Inuit (formerly called Eskimos) live in the Labrador coast depend on fishing and hunt.

Innu (formerly known as the Naskapi Indians)live in the Labrador interior coast depend on hunt.



The large island of Newfoundland lies off the east coast of North America between latitudes 46½°N and 52°N. Its capital, St. John's, is in the same latitude (47½°) as Quebec, Duluth, Seattle, Paris, and Sakhalin island in the Pacific; but owing to its oceanic environment the latter region is its sole homo clime.


In the summer Newfoundland temperature is 16°C  while the average winter temperature hovers around 0°C (32°F). In Labrador, the winter climate is somewhat harsher, but temperatures can top 25°C (77°F) during the short but pleasant summers. 



Fishery during the early 1990s. Exports and employment resumed in 2010. GDP reached $28.1 billion, compared to $25.0 billion in 2009.Total capital investment in the province grew to $6.2 billion, an increase of 23.0% compared to 2009.


Newfoundland is life by fisheries country. Of the earliest exploration and discovery is Norsemen.
The 15th century were blown westward off their course until they came to a strange land where the sea was full of fish.